By: Chrissy Phillips
Overcome by your testimony

I was struggling to write this piece because I wasn’t feeling as joyful as I should and I didn’t want to be a hypocrite. But then I spoke to God and was left with these questions:
Who said you will always feel and be joyful?
Who said you have to be joyful to be thankful?
Who said life will be joyful all the time?
While talking to God, He gave me this word—“the joy of the Lord is my strength”. I believe He’s trying to tell me that He’ll make up the difference. Where joy is lacking in my life, He will fill that gap. His joy is my strength because where I’m weak He is strong.
"And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
This reminder has ignited my joy and I will be in pursuit of more joy. I know if I draw closer to God, He will draw closer to me. And in His presence, there is fullness of joy. May we all pursue Jesus. Bask in His presence. Stay in His presence and savor joy unspeakable, full of glory!
There are seasons where joy seems far removed and all you can see is anxiety, depression, worry, loss and grief, but it is in those times that you have to remember that the joy of the Lord is your strength.
I’m currently going through a season of waiting. I’m waiting on the Lord for something He promised years ago, and to be honest, waiting is hard. Some days, I want to pull my hair out and just say forget all of this.
"and to be honest, waiting is hard."
There’s no joy in this waiting. There are tears, doubt, frustration, anxiety, and impatience. I’m just being honest here…
Feeling stuck is not the best feeling.
But when I get over my whining and dive into the scriptures, I am reassured that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Where does that joy come from?
True joy can only come from Jesus. Joy comes in knowing that: His mercies are new every morning, His plans for us are to prosper us and give us an expected end, He can be touched by the feelings of our infirmities, and He cares for us even more than the birds of the air and flowers in the field and He loves us even when we’re hurting, impatient, disappointed and frustrated.
So why do we worry?
We worry because we are focusing on our own strengths. We worry because we expect things to be done in our own time. We worry because we try to limit God. We worry because we are struggling with unbelief.
"We worry because we are focusing on our own strengths."
Lord, please help our unbelief.
If like me, you are growing impatient and joy seems so distant, please remember to wait patiently for the Lord, trust His timing, rely on His strength, and lean into His promises. If He said it, then it is done!
Let’s pray!
Dear Lord Jesus, remember us your dear children. We are flawed. We are sinful and forgetful. Forgive us for forgetting that you came through for us last time and you are able to do it again this time. Help us to stand on your word and rely on your promises because your word will never return to you void but will accomplish what you please. Help us to wait patiently for you and to worship while we wait. Help us to maintain an attitude of gratitude and to rejoice always and in every circumstance. Help us to find joy even in the little things. Lord, help our unbelief. Strengthen us as we wait. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Chrissy is a mother of 4, ages 19 to 2. She is a wife, a paralegal by profession, and an encourager by passion. Her ministry, Overcome By Your Testimony started in November 2021 and was inspired by Revelation 12:11 (“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”).
This verse ministered to her because she has gone through a lot in life—from abandonment/daddy issues, single motherhood, and domestic abuse to finding herself again. She believes that by sharing her story of how she overcame, she can give someone else hope, and help them avoid or overcome similar situations. She loves sharing the word of God, nature, photography, content creation, writing, encouraging others, and going on long drives.
Contact Chrissy by clicking any of the boxes below.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the first blog in the Women of JOY blog series. I pray that it inspires you and empowers you as you seek to find true JOY in Christ alone in any and all circumstances!
The Women of JOY blog series will offer you the pleasure of hearing from a different Woman of Joy on the last Monday of each month.
What about you? Are you a Woman of JOY with a story that you would like to share? I would love to hear about your journey of finding JOY in Jesus and consider you as a contributor to this series.
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