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"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God," - Ephesians 2:8 (ESV)


Ephesians 2:8 reveals a beautiful picture of how Salvation in Jesus is by grace through faith only and not by works. This verse illuminates the undeserving miraculous transformation that occurred at the moment of one’s Salvation. This Free Gift that we, as Christians, received moved us from a state of spiritual death to life in Christ.

Dead vs. Alive

Biblically speaking, being "dead" means that we are separated from God with no access to Him or His wisdom and knowledge. In this state, we are guided and controlled by sin and the devil, which means that we are unable to please God. As Ephesians 2:1-3 explains, the spiritually dead follow “the course of the world,” “the prince of the power of the air” (Satan), and “carry out the desires of the body and mind.” The lives of the spiritually dead are enslaved to sin, and their lives are centered on pleasing their own flesh for the temporary enjoyment of the world, which categorizes them as "children of wrath."

Being "alive" in Christ is radically different. To go from death to life signifies change. Those who have accepted Salvation in Christ are new and transformed by God's love and mercy (Ephesians 2:4-5). In this state, there is new life in Christ, and the bondage to sin is no more. As Christians, we have been raised with Christ and renewed. As new creations, there should be a visible reflection of this change. Our hearts, minds, and desires should shift from aiming to please our flesh to living as image-bearers of God, walking in this newness, pursuing holiness, and seeking to glorify Him in all we do.

Living as New Creations

To transform means to change. If we have been saved, there has been a change or transformation from death to life. Because of this, we look different than before. There should be a clear, observable difference in our lives. This change is evident in our actions, attitudes, and priorities. We no longer live as "children of wrath" but as individuals who reflect God's grace, love, and kindness. We are no longer a baren branch, but instead, we are a fruitful life because of our connection to the vine.

For some, the transformation is a radical 180 that is completely and instantly obvious to others. For me, the transformation from death to life upon receiving Salvation was immediate (just as it is with all who are saved) because you can’t be alive and still dead and vice versa. However, the growth and display of that change has been gradual and ongoing. As I seek God and walk with Him daily, He continues to open my eyes to His wisdom, knowledge, and love for me. He continues to mold and sanctify me more and more into His image.

As those who have been raised with Christ, I pray that our lives are lived as true image-bearers of God as a testament to the goodness of God’s Grace.


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